MIRVITA ArtScienceHumanism, is a cosmic spacecraft, a laboratory-observatory that faces a new journey in the Human Universe projected in the 21st century.

Tribute to Malevich

Mirvita is inspired by the architectural forms created by Kazimir Malevich

With Suprematism Malevich places at the center of his research the supremacy of pure sensibility in art. The exteriority of the geometric shapes used becomes a metaphor and instrument for a reality that does not stop at a super observation, but penetrates the space and the place where it is located, pushing and stimulating the observer to penetrate the static reality of things by observing the beauty of the forms, contemplating the interplay of intertwinings that blend together. The object, the form, is dismembered from the mere meaning of itself, becoming a bulwark of a well-rounded personal vision of the reality that sees and lives.

In the background: Minervino Murge
In the background: Minervino Murge
the barrel room
the barrel room
A sign of Peace for the future
A sign of Peace for the future
Castel del Monte
Castel del Monte
Mirvita: A spaceship through time.
Mirvita: A spaceship through time.
The Future of Mirvita
The Future of Mirvita
Malevic between the purity-light in the Art and that of the lily
Malevic between the purity-light in the Art and that of the lily

Mirvita Opificium ArteVino Azienda Agricola Tor de’ Falchi di Di Gaetano Donato

Sede legale: Via Meropia, 78 – 00147 Roma

Cantina: 76013 Minervino Murge (BT) – Contrada Montelarosa – Lettieri - Lamalunga snc

P.IVA: 07397051009 - C.F.: DGTDNT54L26B619P – R.E.A. RM n.1152028 Codice destinatario: KRRH6B9

info@tordefalchi.com | tordefalchi@pec.it Tel: +39.3345631352